Monday 7 September 2015

My summer vacation

    It is populary believed that the active holiday better than not active holiday . But some people think differently .
    My summer was both active and passive and went well for the whole summer . In early summer, I was in a sports camp . I liked this camp because I like to do sport and when every day of training  you  get used  to  it and  enter  into  a  rhythm I think active holydays better because you train your body and keep it's health ,the most memorable part of my summer at a camp in Bulgaria there was a lot of fun, we beheld sunrise, went to the beach and took part in events, I spent three great weeks their . That  was  active  part  of my summer . 
     But later I went to a cruise to Scandinavia with my parents . We was in a number of countries in Denmark, Estonia, Sweden, Finland and Bulgaria and then, I arrived home to Chelyabinsk. In Chelyabinsk, I wanted to celebrate my birthday but the day before the fall ill and I had to cancel everything. That's how it all ended my summer because of some evil illness I spent ten days in bed by that missed the last days of summer. some people think what it`s better than sportcamp or other active holydays because every day you do not do anything other than rest , that was passive part of my summer .
    Then, I arrived home to Chelyabinsk. In Chelyabinsk, I wanted to celebrate my birthday but the day before the fall ill and I had to cancel everything. That's how it all ended my summer because of some evil illness I spent ten days in bed by that missed the last days of summer.  I has two active parts of summer and two passive parts of summer but  I like more active than the passive , because active active holydays .

1 comment:

  1. Please, check everything again and correct grammar and spelling mistakes. They make the story difficult to understand. More over the task was tio write an essay "expressing the own opinion" but not just the story about your summer holidays.
